Website of Thomas Sailer


Thomas Sailer, B.A., born on August 4th, 1987, in Eisenstadt (Austria), is an author, artist and leisure pioneer.

He is known for his novels, including Der Freizeitpionier (2011), Die Wuestenpflanze (2012), Die Aktivistin (2014), and Die Gefaengnisinsel (2018). Sailer also writes non-fiction books such as Leb deinen Traum: Sei Freizeitpionier (2021) and Inflation ausbremsen (2022). By now, he has published a total of 8 book titles, some of which have been translated into English.

Since 2019, Thomas Sailer has also focused more on the multimedia adaptation of his works. In the fall of 2020, he realized the short film Die Gefaengnisinsel - Doku einer Flucht, a first film adaptation of his novel Die Gefaengnisinsel.

In addition to his literary career, Sailer is a board member of the ART HOUSE PROJECT Art Association in Eisenstadt and co-organizer of the TRANSFORM-ARTE art fair.

Thomas Sailer lives and works on his farmhouse in North Burgenland. He loves spending time in nature and has a special passion for classic cars - owning a collection of 13 specimens.

Being a leisure pioneer, Sailer possesses the ability to find solutions to problems through creative and innovative thinking, in situations where many others believe it is not possible.


Central themes in the work of Thomas Sailer are freedom and fulfillment, as well as the realization of dreams. Around these themes, he has created the leisure pioneer-philosophy.

Sailer sees himself as an aesthete and focuses his work on transforming the negative into the positive, as well as highlighting and capturing the beautiful aspects.

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